Tuesday, August 16, 2011


There is an event in Seattle that we sun-starved citizens anticipate with all our beings, hoping against hope all year long that the clouds will part for those three endless days of boating, music, blue angels, boat races, and barbecues. We are famous for asking ourselves every April, will we see summer this year? We hold our breaths in anticipation and check the weather incessantly for the tiniest bit of yellow between the clouds. This year, Steve Pool (semi-trusted local news weather guy) promised us an endless supply of warmth and clear blue skies- he was partly right. We were fortunate to have two days of sun peeking through the clouds (For Steve's sake, let's just pretend Friday never happened) Saturday and Sunday were beautiful enough and thanks to Kris and Captain Ron, Seafair with new friends was fun and memorable...  


2008 brought us the first good summer I've seen in Seattle since I moved here in 2003... 
My first real taste of Seafair, being out in the middle of Lake Washington with Blue Angels flying low over our heads. So close your body shakes! Thanks Eric and Dino for "Boasting" a great weekend complete with costumes (my favorite being Spongebob), mullet wigs, and Bloody Marys.

Seafair 2009 brought the hottest and clearest summer we've had yet. I met so many new friends and will never forget the fun we had on Blake's yacht (RIP). It's amazing how Seattle has such a "small-town" city feel. Our little social group must have tripled in size that year and I am so grateful for all the new friends and relationships made...

And now, for our sad little story of 2010 (sigh) Seattleites will never forget the summer that never was. Clouds for the 4th, rain for Seafair, a dark autumn starting in September. Needless to say, our little city was quiet and solemn during this time. There were a few exceptions of those brave souls that stood up to the weather Gods and departed on wet boats with rain slickers, umbrellas and bottles of vodka in hand to celebrate not the sun, or the summertime, but life in general. You can always count on Seattle for that. One of the reasons why I love this great city. Can't wait for next year!!

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